Thursday, February 3, 2011

Assignment 1-3 Journal Analysis

The article that I chose to analyze was written by Jessamyn Neuhaus and titled Marge Simpson, Blue Haired Housewife: Defining Domestication the Simpsons. This article looks at what society perceives as the responsibilities and roles of the mother and wife in the American family on T.V. The Simpsons is a great satire of these values, Marge is the one to hold the family together with patience and love and understanding. She is the nucleus of her family, very much like it is in real life. In the show Marge is the perfect homemaker, patient wife and unconditionally loves her three children. She helps to support not only her family but the community and everyone depends on her.  The satire of the show is that no matter how bad things get with her children misbehaving and her idiot husband constantly making mistakes, Marge is always there to fix everything and save the day.
The creators of the Simpsons did not make Marge appear like the stereotype homemaker, she has the large goofy hairdo and the gravelly voice, not at all like the past T.V. mom and their perfect appearances. Marge’s character keeps her cool just like most past T.V. moms, but every once in awhile she losses her patience and has to put her family in their place. Even though the show is mocking the idealized images of mother and wife, it is still trying to make a point. The point is of the irreplaceable role of the mother and wife. Like most of us, the creators of the Simpsons have trouble imagining a home without a female in the position of wife and mom, and homemaker (Neuhaus, 2010).
There are many aspects of Marge’s role as wife and mother that deliberately satirize the televised stereotype of a naturally cheerful homemaker. Marge’s exemplary mothering is one of the most important ways the Simpsons embodies traditional values (Neuhaus, 2010). Even though Marge is dramatically shown as the quintessential homemaker, she still refuses to be demeaned or belittled.  Marge is absolutely essential to the bond of the Simpson family. Matt Groening states, “I shudder to think what would happen if Marge weren’t there to keep Homer from killing the kids.” (Neuhaus, 2010).  Marge is the glue and the anchor in her family, much like the many mothers in the real world.

Neuhaus, Jessamyn. (2010).Marge Simpson, blue haired housewife: Defining domesticity
                on the Simpsons. The Journal of popular culture, 43(4), Wiley Periodicals Inc.


  1. Brenna, your article is an interesting one. It's funny how we can watch something for years and never pick it apart quite the way we have throughout this course. I agree that the role of the mother in a family is an important one. Many people discuss the role of the father as being the traditional breadwinner, but many times it's the wife and mother behind the scenes who really does give the family the balance it needs. Great analysis.

  2. Your article is extremely interesting. I never thought about The Simpsons in this way at all. The father is usually the breadwinner and the mother and wife cleans the house. Its amazing how a comedy show can show that but at the same time make it look amusing and not be taken as seriously as it should be. Very nice.

  3. Very nice post. I actually think that the Simpson family is more realistic than they get credit for, even considering the intentional satire. While attempting to poke fun at norms, they come dangerously close to imitating real life! I feel that many norms are so rejected that it isn't even trendy or clever to mock them anymore. It seems that the Hollywood projection of real life has become much more honest over the past 30 years.

  4. Maybe Marge represents, the housewife that is typical and society sterotypical housewife is not, the perfect cook, gives full attention to the husband while she takes care of the the necessary household needs and is a superpower house 24/7. Marge seems to be more realistic of my grandmother's times even though they poke fun in this cartoon, it is more realistic sterotyped housewife. I think her blue hair is clue that she is different in a real way. Your article interesting...I am going to have to watch the simpsons to see what I can observe from it...Thanks.
